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Digital social media

Brand Collaboration - UGC

Brands I've Worked With

Working with global brands across Tech, Travel, Food & Culture and various lifestyle and fashion brands


1 Video

Product reviews, 'how-to' or 'did you know?' videos can be eye catching and bring new audiences to your brand or products.


Social media content or videos for your website. (60-90 seconds)

£250 - Base Rate

1 Social Media Image

Image review or product focus.

Created and planned Social Media landing for your specific product and goal.

Social media content or Image for your website. (60-90 seconds)

£250 - Base Rate


3 Videos

Instructional, hook based videos, or 'reasons you need this' style videos work well for consistency in bringing your brand to audiences repetitively.​


Social media content or videos for your website. (60-90 seconds)

£700 - Base Rate

3 Socials Image Carousel

3 Image Carousel that will take teh audience through a journey of your brand and products to create awareness and trust in your brand.​


Social media content or Images for your website.

£700 - Base Rate


5 Videos

Separately themed or as part of a 1 month campaign, a video series can engage your brand into the forefront of your audiences awareness during key times of the year.


Social media content or videos for your website. (60-90 seconds)

£1100 - Base Rate

5 Social Media Images

5 Images to be released across Social Media within a 30-day period.

Perfect to align with a current campaign or generate audience interest ahead of new releases or changes.


Social media content or videos for your website. (60-90 seconds)

£1100 - Base Rate


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Extra Fees (Up to 12 months)

  • 12-month usage rights: 30-50% of the base rate (pcm).

  • Paid ads usage rights: 40% of the base rate (pcm).

  • In-perpetuity usage rights: Buyout Fee Negotiable.

  • Organic usage rights: included in the base rate, with no additional cost for social media.

UGC Questions?

Like what you see? Get in touch to discuss your collaboration and learn more.

Thanks for submitting!

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