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A Diverse Creative Journey

Explore a selection of my latest and most impactful creations. Each piece holds a special place in my heart, and I invite you to delve into their stories. For any enquiries, feel free to reach out.

From June 2024

Covering 4 main topics that crossver in each episode, The 4 main areas of passion in my life that could inspire and inform others around the world:

Travel & Culture

Film & Music

Fitness & Health


'Walks With Sam' - Book & Podcast

From October 2024

The result of a mental breakdown at the age of 30.

15 years of lived experience with mental illness and working to increase awareness of the support needed for victims of illness. Providing loved ones who suffer the fallout from it, a deeper understanding of what it can be like and how to better care for their networks and themselves.

Content Creator & UGC

Over 2.1 Million Views (on YouTube Alone)

Move into my world of Social Media, Video, Inspirational posts and Music Production. 

Working with top brands on leading platforms, bringing the world to the web with entertaining and vibrant content on social media and streaming services. Offering UGC services globally.

Be Inspired

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